Monday, August 31, 2009

Delicious Dessert Concoctions



When I first typed "Delicious Dessert Concoction," I felt that it should become an commonly-used abbreviation (DDC) but then I thought it might get confused with DCVDP, but that is a different story entirely.

On a recent grocery trip I decided to buy chocolate graham crackers. It was an impulse buy; I figured it would be a good snack to have around if I had a chocolate craving. During my next trip to Meijer I noticed that Edy's Yogurt Blends were 50% off because the cartons were slightly smushed.

Finally, tonight it dawned on me that by combining these two very delicious things I could make a super dessert. It is multi-faceted in its wonders: it amalgamates the creamy and smooth texture of frozen yogurt with the refreshing crunch of graham crackers; the demure delicacy of vanilla with the robust goute of chocolate; the taste of something you should feel guilty for eating with low cal and low fat nutrition facts.

This marks my third post relating to yogurt. I think I have a problem...

Hilarious and random videos

Oh the joys of the internet. Or internets if you prefer to sound like a crazy person. Although the web promises wealth of valuable information, we mostly use it for watching ridiculous videos. Among them is this gem:

That's right. I have decided that Mr. T likes to rhyme things at the expense of lieing about peoples' names and where they come from.

On to the next clip. Normally, if someone asks me if I want to see two animals going at it I say "Hell no." Because it just seems plain dirty. However, after much persuasion by my dear Ax, I caved and watched this clip of Turtles doing the deed. Before you judge me, please watch it, or more importantly, LISTEN to it! Apparently male turtles make little sighing squeak noises whilst knocking shells. That's right, I just made up a euphemism for turtle sex. Enjoy...

Now that we are all aquainted with standard turtle coitus, let's replace the female turtle with a shoe and make the male have an even cuter squeak:

Now don't you feel like smoking an algae cigarette?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

video g-chating with cats

Specifically this cat:
Because I am that cool. And yes, those are various diplomas she is lieing around.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Other websites about likes and dislikes

Taken from Gmail Chat 26 August 2009:

Moi: i just accidentally reopened a bagel knife wound
resulting in blood dripping off my hand
Alex: egads
Moi: yeah
somehow my nalgene did this
Alex: good lord
you are like a walking accident
Moi: oh i love that website
Alex: my new favorite one is like
a combination of stuffwhitepeoplelike and latfh

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Loitering, dallying, dawdling

1. Loiter, dally, dawdle, idle imply moving or acting slowly, stopping for unimportant reasons, and in general wasting time. To loiter is to linger aimlessly: to loiter outside a building. To dally is to loiter indecisively or to delay as if free from care or responsibility: to dally on the way home. To dawdle is to saunter, stopping often, and taking a great deal of time, or to fritter away time working in a halfhearted way: to dawdle over a task. To idle is to move slowly and aimlessly, or to spend a great deal of time doing nothing: to idle away the hours. 1–4. loaf. 2, 3. delay, tarry.

Thanks to I now know that loiter, dally, and dawdle mean different things.

Yesterday I loitered in Oades Big Ten. I loitered for a long time. I had awkward encounters with an employee about my loitering, even admitting to it.

Needless to say, later that day at about 1 am after a long night of drinking my friends decided to migrate to a little Lansing bar called Stobers? Stovers? Stubers? I am still not quite sure of the name but the side of the building says that it is the coolest bar in Lansing. The point is that we walked in and the employee from Oades was there. At the bar. After I loitered my ass off on his watch. It was awkward.