Sunday, January 23, 2011


It is Sunday evening, which means that the trolleys have been re-routed; subsequently, one such vehicle turns the corner outside my window, which some how produces a noise that sounds remarkably like the smoke monster from Lost.

This got me thinking, however, about how much I like the trolleys. West Philadelphia's trolleys date back to the 1890s and were originally pulled by horses! They are electrically powered by now, but there is still something fairly quaint and comfortable about riding this form of public transit.

(This is a picture of my trolley line at 40th street station)

The most important part about riding the trolley, however, is at 40th street station going east when the trolley descends underground. This subterranean journey is remarkably similar to riding an attraction at Disney World. So if you're in West Philly going east on the green lines, don't be afraid to hold your hands up and squeal with glee as the trolley carries you onto 37th street (Actually you should be afraid; someone will probably knife you. Scratch that thought entirely- this is a neighborhood in which someone was mugged with a machete a few weeks ago.)

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