Although the Dr. Seuss book by the same name is rather nice, I am referring to the union of lor(laura) and ax(alex). The name was awkwardly given to us by a friends parents. We try to not remember this part but it is important to trace the etymology of these phrases so I said it and I'm not apologizing!
People often ask us how we know each other, but that is far too long of a story for this blog. The important part is that the summer between freshman and sophomore years of college we lived completely out of control lives. So much so that it is a miracle that neither one of us got arrested/killed at any point.At first glance this seems like a nice picture. Then you notice the details. Burberry flask, check. BCBG cocktail dresses, check. Tomfoolery about to insue, check. This was actually the first time that we hung out with our dear friend Alex, who later introduced us to Murr, which is another story. (that gets into loraxmurrderrerr territoire)
In sum, the Lorax is all about family values. Like spitting out water from the Old Well on UNC's campus, getting awkwardly nice presents from mutual friends, wearing Juicy velour tracksuits in public, champong, shopping for 15 hours straight, wearing bcbg clothing, and throwing parties that people leave to go to the emergency room after getting sliced with a katana.
You can't tell from his silly grin, but the kid holding his hands together is desperately trying to stop the bleeding of a katana wound. He ended up getting a handful of stitches (no pun intended).
Edit: I realize that this post doesn't really do the lorax justice, so I will have to periodically ad entries that address different stories. I am off to NYC now to be reunited with ax.
all things in this post are good